This week we spent the week getting the house ready for Christmas. Ramzie is so excited to have the Advent calander out and she loves to wake up early to turn on the lights before she heads off to school. My tree is a bit candy cane heavy but the girls sure had fun putting them on. Meina is LOVING the decorating and she is obsessed with the snowglobe collection. It is pretty fun to see the excitement in her eyes as she is experiancing this season for the first time.
She has also become obsessive with brushing her teeth. She got a new electric toothbrush and LOVES it.
One night- I gave the girls fun (edible) stuff to build snowmen with. Well...... Meina did not make it to the building stage as you can see, but Ramzie did. It was a fun activity and one I recommend. I actually borrowed the idea from this blog.
On Saturday Ramzie and I went to her regular gymnastic class and then on to get haircuts. She has been saying she wanted her hair cut shorter and bangs (yes after all that pain of growing them out). I told her the only rule was that it must be long enough to pull it back for gymnastics and swimming. She is getting old enough to make decissions about her own hair right? I must admit when she walked around the courner after her cut- I was shocked! She looks so different. She likes it and it was very easy this morning before school, both good results if you ask me!
Off to get going on the day. May your day be blessed.
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