This year Christmas was such a blessing in more ways than we could have hoped for. We got to spend it with my mom and dad, my brother and his family and of course our two EXTRA special girls!
When I look back on last year's Christmas- I would have NEVER thought we would be spending this one with another daughter. We had all but given up on adopting another child from China, but God had another plan for our family. That plan of course was our sweet baby girl Meina. She has added to our family in such a wonderful way. She has spunk and laughter that we did not know we were missing. She is loving and just amazing in her ability to adapt and learn new things. People are drawn to her where ever we go. She has allowed us to grow as parents and has allowed Ramzie become a big sister. What an amazing year indeed!
We went to Wyoming on Christmas Eve morning. We had packed the truck the night before with everything so we could just scoop the girls up in the morning and head out. They passed the time by watching Tinkerbell and snacking on banana's and oranges. I figured that I would load them up with some fruit because once at Oma and Opa's all nutrition bets were off....
Anyway, we made it there by mid morning. It was so good to see Frank, Cora and the boys. I sure wish they lived closer- Iowa is a long drive.
Anyway, after a short shy period by both girls (about 10 minutes) they were off playing and having a blast. Let the festivities begin! We had out traditional Oyster stew meal for dinner and then started the present opening marathon!
After a short night of sleep- the kids had us up by 6:30 am it was apparent that Santa thought the kids had all been very good. Meina was kind of unsure of it all happening this early in the morning (she is not a morning girl) but warmed up and was in the middle of it all very soon.
The rest of the day was filled with play and food. We had a lovely turkey dinner and then it was BIRTHDAY TIME for Ramzie.
She now has all of the necessary items that a 6 year old could want. List (not complete just a hint)Easy bake oven (santa), Airbrush Nail Design center (santa) Life Size Tangeled Doll (Oma and Opa) Art Supplies (Mom and Dad) Pillow Pets (everyone) Princess Games (Frank and Cora) Clothes and a new Coat.
Meina was loaded up with ELMO items (Cora and Frank), finger paints and paper (Santa), Rocking Horse (Santa), Clothes and dolls (Mom and Dad) and of course-Pillow pets!
We ended the night playing Sequence. I think this is my new favorite game.
Hope everyone has had a great holiday. Now on to 2011!
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