Matching Jammies!
My butterfly fairies
Meina is 20 months old now. She is just blossoming in front of us.... I really marvel each day that I am the mother to these two sweet amazing children. So here is an update on Meina and her development.
She is now 25 lbs and 33.5 inches tall! Yes- that is tall for her age. She is wearing 24 month clothing and loves the color purple! She really has an opinion about what she wears already. She is running and climbing everything. She loves to color and will sit and draw for lengthy periods of time. She also enjoys story time asking for a story (again) over and over.
Every morning she will wave goodbye to her sister as she gets on the bus and then turns to me and says "Elmo". This is my que to turn on her Elmo ABC video, Lol. It is nice because it runs just long enough for me to get a shower :-) She is also talking and laughing more- both music to my ears.
She is becoming more and more attached to us as her family now. She is in a stage where she wants to be held a lot of the time and will just lean in as tight as she can, put her thumb in her mouth and take a big deep breath as if to say "finally". She was not much for being held close for any period of time up until about 2 months ago- so we are making progress. She also calls out Mama and Dada if we are out of the room. As for her relationship with Ramzie, she LOVES her. The minute Ramzie gets home from school she is her little shadow. She follows Ramzie through her after school routine (washing hands, putting away her boots and coat, showing me her seat work for the day, snack and playtime). I will be upstairs preparing dinner and hear them laughing and playing while Taylor Swift plays in the background- It just does not get any better than that.
This next week will be busy. Ramzie has a Christmas program and then we are all headed to Wyoming for the holidays. Mom has been fighting an infection and we have not seen her in a while- so it will be good to see her and my dad. Frank (brother) and his kids will be there also. It will be fun to see all of the kids together.
Well- off to wrap some presents.....
Have a good week-
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