Exploring the Zoo
Hubei girls
Daddy and his grils looking at the Tiger
Day at the park
Wading pool fun!
We have been busy this month so not much time to post to the blog.
I will start with an update on the girls.
Meina is really walking (and running) everywhere now. She has suddenly become fearless and has many boo-boo's to show for it. We are not going to get by without gates for the stairs with this little one. Several nights ago I was cooking dinner while the girls were downstairs playing in their "kitchen". Anyway, I heard a sigh or grunting sound coming from the stairs. I thought uh-oh she is going to try to come up the stairs by herself so I ran over to look. Well, the little bug was AT THE TOP ALREADY! Our staircase is not a few steps either- it is fifteen and steep. I was scared to death since 2 days earlier Mike was teaching her how to go up the stairs and had to catch her from falling back no less than three times. That is what we get for teaching her how to climb them- Lol.
We had a pediatrician visit last week for more vaccinations and she is growing well. She has grown 1 inch and gained 1.5# in 7 weeks! That places her in the 40% for weight and 90% for height. We are not surprised based on how much she eats. She will eat anything.... not picky at all.
She continues to be a easy-going kid. She does not like to be told no though and I get big tears when I take something away from her that she thinks she should have. She follows Ramzie around everywhere goes. She also loves for her daddy to wrestle and chase her.
She has wonderful receptive understanding and will follow directions very well for a 15 month baby.
She is saying many words now like- Yes (ye), more (mo), please (pss), hungry (ungy) mama, Elli (e-ie) I love you ( I uooo) and finally in the last days -dada. So all around she is doing great and we love watching her personality blossom as she starts to understand that this is IT- we are here family.
Ramzie is becoming quite the girl. all signs of baby and toddler hood are gone (sob). She is loving summer and all the swimming we get to do. She is growing like a weed also. She is 43 inches tall and 37.5#- staying steady at 20% on the growth chart. She continues to love gymnastics and has really improved. All of a sudden she can pull herself around and do a back walkover and swing around twice on the bars. She is excited to start Kindergarten in August- I am having a hard time with that thought! She is such a good big sister! She plays with Meina all the time and is VERY patient even when she is getting into her things.
We took a quick trip to Denver this last weekend to meet some dear friends from New Mexico. We met them on our first trip to China when we adopted Ramzie. We get together every year for a vacation with them and the Rice family (from New Jersey) because we love to see the girls together AND we really enjoy the company. This year, we have not been able to do a long two-week vacation together mainly because of our circumstance- trip to China and Mike starting a new job. We decided we had to at LEAST see each other, so we met up in Denver on Friday and had a great weekend. It was 103 degrees so we spent the AM at the Zoo and the PM at the Museum. We also planned to stop by CCAI (the agency we used for both adoptions) but never got there. I did call and talk to them to see when the best time to stop in was because they had just received referrals and were making calls and they said to come by in the afternoon. Well, time just got away from us so that was a bit of a bummer! But we will plan to make another reunion in the near future.
We also hit the American Girl store for a new outfit for Ramzie's Carissa doll. Wow- that place is fun!I only have two more weeks until I head back to work so I have a lot to get done. The big thing this week is applying for Meina's passport.
Enjoy the pictures!
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