Meina got to try corn on the cob for the first time-Big hit.
Does Chris look like his dad or what?

Chris taught Ramzie how to climb the tire by herself!
As you can see we had some visitors this weekend. My parents brought the boys (my brother's kids) up for the weekend. Ramzie was sooo excited to see them. They live in Iowa so we only see them once or twice a year, but when they show up they all play like they are together everyday. The boys are so good for Ramzie. She comes right out of her conservative shell and tries new things with them. They are staying with Mom and Dad for two weeks. We had lots of fun playing outside and having a BBQ on Friday. We even broke some of the leftover fireworks from last year. Just things like smoke bombs and parachutes. It was fun and the kids (except Meina who was in bed by 7:30) all crashed about 10pm.
Saturday involved a trip to the movie- Toy Story 3 and a trip to Costco (you know my Dad). Then we just played and visited the rest of the day.
They left Sunday morning before the big storm. Mom and the Boys will be back up this Friday and we will leave on Saturday morning to take the boys back. Ramzie and I are going to go with Mom. It will help her to have someone help drive and I will get to see my brother.
We have a busy week ahead on the home front with swimming and bible school for Ramzie and lots of playing and reading for Meina:-).
Have a nice week.
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