Friday, June 11, 2010

WOW- One month

I cannot believe we have been Meina's parents for one month already! It is truly because of faith that we have her today. Many of you know that we had all but officially given up on a second adoption. We had been logged in for over three years and had been waiting for a medical needs child for two. Mike and I had accepted that it was not God's plan to have a second child. We were actually quite excited that we had made the decision. I was going to call and tell CCAI to take us off any lists THE VERY DAY that they called with our referral. We were just waiting for HER.
She is doing so well and her personality is emerging more each day. She is funny and S-M-A-R-T! She has an amazing capacity to trust and accept love and affection even after the trauma of leaving people whom she obviously loved very much. She gives slobbery, open mouth kisses which we all accept openly. She is growing every day and she is doing a pretty good bear crawl right now. We keep saying one day she will just get up and that will be that.
We got a message from her orphanage director saying they still miss her and wonder how she is doing. I sent an update and some pictures. I hope it helps them know that she is safe and happy.

We moved Meina's Crib into her and Ramzie's room last night and she did great. Ramzie LOVES having someone else in with her. Yesterday when I dropped her (Ramzie) off for swim lessons she started crying. I asked her what was wrong because this is very out of character for her especially when she is going to something she loves like swim lessons. She responded " I did not get enough cuddle time with Meina this morning"! Hmmm- use to be she was going to miss ME. I have been pushed aside for sister love and I love it.

Today we are going to watch Ramzie at her swim lessons, then we are going over to a friends house for dinner. The plan was to let the girls ride thier bikes, but the weather is pretty soggy. Anyway we should have a good time. Tomorrow we are participating in the Heart and Soul run.... Well Mike and Ramzie will be running. Meina and I will walk, lol.

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