Hi there-
Now that we know we have another daughter, we have SO MUCH to do. Over the past 3+ years we have
slowly put away all of the "baby" items. Now I want to get them all out and get things set up RIGHT NOW! Slight problem is that Mike is away and most of the stuff is up in the attic in large bins. I could go up there.....ewe!
Anyway, I set up the crib in my room, and am working on some of the clothes- sorting and such. The two girls will eventually share a room, but we plan to keep
Meina in our room until she transitions to being part of a family. Plus,
Ramzie is a light sleeper and I would much rather be up with one kiddo than two at night.
We also sent off a couple of care packages to
Meina on Monday. I am hoping that she gets them and the Nannies give her extra attention to keep her well until we get her!
In the meantime I will keep researching her area of the world, keep preparing to bring her home and most of all, keep praying that she is safe and cared for until we bring her
Love to all,