She really wanted to ride the bus so we put her on it and then followed it to the school. She was very brave- marched right up the stairs and sat down without hesitation. When we got to the school I could see she was happy to see a few familiar faces. After a few hello hugs she walked to her classroom, found her bag hook, hung up her bag and coat, and then looked for and found her name at her station. Her friend Abby sits right across from her. The only time she acted nervous was when the bell rang. I think she thought it was a fire alarm at first.
When we left she was happy and coloring a picture.
As much as I am sad to see her grow so fast, I am so happy for her to begin this new adventure. We have had a blast getting things ready for the big day. She and I spent the whole day Sunday school shopping. She has very particular taste all of the sudden so it was fun to watch her ponder her decisions. The shoes seemed to be the biggest debate in her mind. hmmm- pink or black Sketchers? I almost let her get both but she also wanted a pair of flats so I made her choose. As fast as she is growing (3/4 inch in August) I know we will have the opportunity to change styles later in the year :-) Trust me she has plenty of shoes to get her through.
Life really IS good.
Here she is in her carefully chosen "first day" outfit